FOI Disclosure Log 2024

Q1 and Q2 2024

Date Received  Requester  Request Details  Decision Date  Decision
03/01/2024 Journalist  Under the FOI Act, I was seeking copies of any safety or inspection reports associated with the following product, about which a consumer warning was issued:  16/01/2024  Refused  
21/02/2024 Other  I refer to complaint 268 to which I have not received any response. I now request under FOI a copy of all documents and data you have on record that relates to this complaint. 12/03/2024  Part-Granted 
06/03/2024  Other  Under FOI Act 2014, I request the following: 

  1. How many soother clips from the Irish market have been tested in 2021, 2022 and 2023 (present by year please) against the relevant directive i.e. BS EN12586. 
  2. Of those tested, please provide a breakdown of the number that passed and the number that failed for the years requested. 
  3. Of those that failed, how many failures relate to BS EN12586 Clause 
14/03/2024 Handled outside of FOI 
08/03/2024  Other  Records created on or after 1 October 2023, until 8 March 2024, relating to the Commission’s sponsorship of the RTE TV programme ‘The Complaints Bureau’ or, in the alternative, the sponsorship amount.  28/03/2024 Refused  
Other  The Consumer Survey conducted by IPSOS for the CCPC as part of the CCPC’s M/22/040 – Q-Park/Tazbell Services, described at paragraph 1.27 of the Determination. 07/05/2024  Granted  
Journalist  Under the FOI Act, I am seeking copies of all records held referring or relating to an advisory that issued to publicans (and their representative bodies) about their obligations to display product prices at their premises.
This request to cover the period 1 Feb 2024 to date. 
06/06/2024  Part-Granted 
Other  Please supply a copy of all records with regards directly or indirectly to Section 12 of the Pharmacy Act 2007.
Please also supply a list of the revisions to the code of conduct since 2007.
18/06/2024 Part-Granted 
Other Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following: 

  1. Any documents relating to Merger Notification M/23/010-BWG/Tuffy Wholesale.
  2. The Proposed Acquisition by BWG Foods Unlimited Company of sole control of Tuffy Wholesale Limited.
  3. The Notification of the proposed transaction.
  4. The Share Purchase Agreement dated the 28th of February, 2023.
  5. The Proposed Transaction.
  6. Any documents relating to phase 1 of the Investigation, including but not limited to any documents received regarding further information and the Proposals submitted by BWG on the 3rd of May, 2023.
  7. The Competition Economics report “Economic Analysis of BWG Foods’ Proposed Acquisition of Tuffy Wholesale Limited” (the “Compecon Report”).
  8. Commitments binding upon BWG 
  9. Divestment Commitment
  10. Compliance
  11. Compliance Certificate.
  12. Obligations.
  13. Any and all other documents relating to the merger proposal, any investigation carried out by the CCPC and any findings resulting from these investigations
N/A  Ongoing  
Journalist All correspondence with RTÉ, the Gaelic Athletic Association, and/or GAAGO regarding the operation of that service for a domestic market, since October 1, 2022. N/A  Ongoing
Business/Interest Group  Under freedom of information laws, please can you provide as much data as you hold on recorded instances of ticket fraud in respect to ticket purchases for sporting, cultural, or music events throughout Ireland?
Specifically, please show the volume of complaints made by consumers in respect of these types of scams – and whether they were made in relation to social media scams or through unofficial ticket resale websites. 
Please provide data for the years 2017-2023 inclusive. 
24/05/2024 Granted 
Journalist  I would like to access, under Freedom of Information law, all of the correspondence and documents held by the CCPC relating to GAAGO, and its engagement with both RTE and the GAA on the streaming platform.
I would like my FOI request to cover the last two years. 
N/A  Ongoing 
Other  Seo iad na taifid atá iarraidh agam : 
An meid airgead a caitheadh ar earraí, ar sheirbhísí, ar bia ar eile ó na comhlachtaí seo a leanas: AXA Insurance, Puma, Carrefour, Caltex, Siemens, Hewlett Packard, Chevron, RE/MAX, Texaco, AHAVA, sodastream, McDonalds, Domino’s, Burger King, Papa John’s, Wix. 
Ba mhaith liom an t-eolas seo a fháil ón tréimhse 1 Eanáir 2024 – 25 Bealtaine 2024. 
14/06/2024 Refused