Product safety
If you are a consumer and you have found an unsafe product please contact our helpline on 01 402 5555 or use our contact form.
The role of the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission
The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC) is the market surveillance authority and the competent authority in Ireland for safety of non-food consumer products covered by certain EU Directives and EU Regulations. These EU Directives and EU Regulations have been transposed into Irish law by way of Irish Statutory Instruments.
It is the market surveillance authority for harmonised product safety legislation applicable to toys, low voltage equipment, personal protective equipment for consumer use, and appliances burning gaseous fuels for consumer use. It is also the competent authority for consumer products within the scope of the general product safety regime.
Visit our product safety legislation page to view a table of the applicable EU and Irish legislation within the CCPC’s remit. You can also read details of the Irish Market Surveillance Authorities along with their responsibilities under various pieces of EU product safety legislation.
As part of our market surveillance function, we have responsibility for the monitoring and processing of non-food consumer product recalls in Ireland. Recalls are a form of corrective action, where businesses seek the return of an unsafe product from consumers. The CCPC webpages information for business on recalls and conducting a recall provide useful information for business on their obligations and information on how to communicate recalls to consumers.
Our aim is to work with businesses to ensure that goods placed on the Irish market do not pose a risk to Irish consumers. We are also available to assist businesses with any recall or general product safety queries they may have.
We also are the Irish contact point for the European Commission’s Internet-based rapid alert system for the notification on hazardous non-food consumer items (Safety Gate formerly known as RAPEX). Visit the European Commission’s Safety Gate website or find out more on the Safety Gate RAPEX reports.