Consumer Empowerment 2011

18 August 2011

The National Consumer Agency’s latest consumer survey shows that over nine out of 10 consumers in Ireland who were unhappy about a purchase in the past year complained to the seller about it. This is up from just seven out of 10 consumers in 2008.

Of the consumers who did complain, 93% said that their complaints were either partially or completely resolved to their satisfaction.

In relation to complaints, the research also shows that:

  • 85% of consumers are now willing to complain
  • 78% of those who complained found the process easy


Declared levels of empowerment are also at record levels:

  • 78% are now confident of their rights
  • 71% feel protected by their rights
  • 71% feel knowledgeable about their rights


The research was conducted by Amárach Research and examined levels of consumer confidence in relation to their rights and willingness to complain. 


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