Travel Insurance 2019
The CCPC commissioned Ipsos MRBI to conduct research on consumer experience in the travel insurance sector. This research was carried out on Omnipoll, Ipsos MRBI’s telephone omnibus service. The data obtained was weighted in line with the known profile of the population according to the latest CSO estimates. Fieldwork was conducted between 1st and 15th May 2019.
Summary Findings:
- Almost two thirds (65%) of respondents currently have a travel insurance policy or have had one in the past. This is highest amongst those aged 45+ (79%), females (71%) and those in the ABC1 social group (77%).
- The most important reason for taking out travel insurance was peace of mind at 66%. A variety of secondary reasons were cited including advice from family/friends, that the policy seemed good value, and a risk in their chosen destination.
- Unsurprisingly, price was the most important factor overall when choosing a provider (54%), followed by ‘a policy that suited my needs’ (46%) and brand trust (35%).
- 22% have contacted their travel insurance provider in the past. This is highest amongst respondents living in Dublin (29%).
- 57% of respondents have made a claim on their travel insurance. Medical reasons/accident were the top reason for doing so at 45%.
- 9% of those who have made a claim had their claim refused. The top reasons for their refusal were ‘Not covered by policy provider’ and ‘They did not submit claim on time’.
- Almost two thirds (65%) of respondents are satisfied with the timely processing of claim in relation to the claim being settled. Just under half (45%) are satisfied with their provider keeping them informed during the process.