Consumer Shopping Behaviour Aug 2013

This study of consumer shopping behaviour was conducted by Behaviour & Attitudes on behalf of the National Consumer Agency. Key findings from this research include:

  • Over 7 in 10 (72%) women are mainly responsible for the food and grocery shopping in households compared to 1 in 5 (20%) men.
  • Focus still on price – two thirds (66%) of main grocery shoppers have chosen specific grocery store based on prices or offers.
  • Shoppers are most definitely wise and thrifty and spread their shopping about. But they do not appear to be inclined to sacrifice quality (81% saying they are not buying products of lower quality).
  • Majority believe the quality of own-brand products has improved in recent years (71%) and that much of the competition in the grocery sector happens in the own brand segment (57%).
  • Across all product categories a shift towards own-brand is evident. With the most significant shifts evident in soft drinks, juices, biscuits, and baby products.


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