CCPC submission to Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment consultation on the European proposal for a directive on common rules promoting the repair of goods

In July 2023 the CCPC made a submission of the CCPC to the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment on the European proposal for a “Right to Repair Directive” – which aims to enhance sustainable consumption by amending consumer protection legislation. In the submission, the CCPC welcomed the proposals to benefit both the environment and consumers and expanding the role of consumer protection authorities. The response also highlighted the importance of providing clear information to consumers on their repair rights when purchasing goods. The response raised broad issues that the draft proposal could address such as incentivising consumers to choose repair over their statutory right for replacement or refunds under the Consumer Rights Act 2022. The CCPC highlighted areas for consideration in the proposal around timeframe, costs and rights of redress for faulty repairs.

Since its submission, the Directive underwent subsequent revisions to ensure alignment with EU law and to address issues raised by stakeholders such as the CCPC as part of the DETE consultation. The draft proposal for the Directive was provisionally agreed by the relevant EU institutions on 9 February 2024.


2023.09.08 Submission to DETE Consultation on EU Right to Repair Proposal
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