M/04/041 – JP Morgan Partners/Safety-Kleen

Page Attachments


Transaction details

proposal whereby JP Morgan Partners (BHCA) LP (“JPMP(BHCA)”) would acquire Safety-Kleen Europe Limited (“Safety-Kleen).

Notification date Decision date
Wednesday July 14, 2004 Tuesday, August 3, 2004
Parties Involved Business activities
JP Morgan Partners

supplies a broad range of financial services worldwide.


servicing and maintenance of solvent and aqueous-based metal parts washers, spray gun cleaners and automotive brake cleaners, for automotive and general industrial customers.

Economic sector Media merger
Finance/ Servicing of parts washers, spraygun cleaners and brake cleaners No
Submissions from third parties due by:
Phase 1 Phase 2
Current status: Completed
Preliminary investigation (Phase 1)
Authorised Officer Assigned Contact Details


Media enquiries: MKC Communications: 01 7038600

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