M/04/035 – Gilde Participaties/ Axxicon

Page Attachments


Transaction details

proposal whereby Gilde Participaties BV (モGildeヤ) would acquire ヨ through a holding company – 72.5% of Axxicon Mould Technology BV (モAxxiconヤ), the remaining 27.5% of which would be held by the current management of Axxicon.

Notification date Decision date
Monday June 14, 2004 Friday, July 2, 2004
Parties Involved Business activities
Gilde Participaties

investment management company which is 95% owned by Rabobank Nederland.


world leader in industrial engineered mould solutions.

Economic sector Media merger
Injection moulds for the production of plastic products No
Submissions from third parties due by:
Phase 1 Phase 2
Current status: Completed
Preliminary investigation (Phase 1)
Authorised Officer Assigned Contact Details


Media enquiries: MKC Communications: 01 7038600

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